Wednesday, May 04, 2005

And so it begins

Thanks to Beth and Richard, I am reminded that this thing really works!

And so, I am now officially three days into sabbatical....Three months, 27 days to go! My main reflections right now are on the "glow" of the farewell event. What a great image of MPC to carry with me as I begin this journey. It would have been impressive with only the dinner and silent auction (THANKS, Sr. High's and all their adult assistants--hope you made a TON of money for the work trip) but the talent show (and the audience in attendance) were a wonderful testimony to the nature of this church--from 3 to 83, from songs to original poetry to an unforgettable rendition of the cremation of Sam mc gee. It was fun, it was poignant, it was a true representation of a good and healthy congregation.

Which leads me to consideration of Sunday morning's discussion of the Congregation video, and how our congregation is called to be in the world in the next century. I would love to hear the "outsider's" reflection of Jose Irizarry, but my first response was that the group gathered listened carefully to each other, there was profound respect for, and interest in, what each person had to say.

I don't know if the simple "model" that was presented for reasons the church might want to be in the world is supple enough for the task, but I suspect the challenge for MPC is to explore that line between "we do it because the needs of the people in this world are real and deep" and "we do it in gratitude for what God has done for us". I know, from the folk who work hard as a part of thelife of this congregation, that theirs is not merely (I don't use that word in a diminutive sense) a matter of social obligation. They are motivated by the teachings and example of Jesus. But to what extent, if any, do we do what we do in this world in order to bring Christ or to grow Christ's witness in that world? In a word, does Jesus matter? Or maybe more precisely, does what Jesus has done for ME matter to those whom I am called to love and care for in response?

If you're interested, most of my time these days is spent in trying to bring clarity to the travels we'll undertake in a few weeks. Mostly, I feel like I'm taking time off that I hadn't taken in the last three months, because I was preparing to disengage.

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